lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

About my career *

Today I’m going to talk about my career:
I’m studying psychology and this is my first year. I like it very much, because everything that the teachers have taught me is totally new and interesting.
I decided to study psychology because It was what I had always wanted, since I was child.
In my infancy I used to think that I could help people with their problems. I had the typical image of the concentrated psychologist (Freud, for example) hearing to the patient that it was lying in the sofa and I expected to become in someone like him.

The professionals of my area can work in clinics, schools, companies, courts... and in many places. In general, psychology can contribute in all kind of stuffs. You can find psichologists in the tv, advertising agencies, etc.
Obviously the kind of contribution depends on the discipline. It isn’t the same talk about clinical psychologists than educational psychologists (clinical is related with individual behaviour and educational with school behaviour... it is a very general definition). But the principal objetive of psychologists is improve the quality of life of people, the relations with themselves, another persons, communities, etc.

The tools that we would need in the future are more technological machinery because they are very necessary for studies related with de brain and behaviour. We could develop a lot of innovative researches.

I have two favourites subjects: psychology and psychobiology, because they are the most related with the career and the matters are things completely news for me (I had never studied something like that).

I adore my career !

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