lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

About my career *

Today I’m going to talk about my career:
I’m studying psychology and this is my first year. I like it very much, because everything that the teachers have taught me is totally new and interesting.
I decided to study psychology because It was what I had always wanted, since I was child.
In my infancy I used to think that I could help people with their problems. I had the typical image of the concentrated psychologist (Freud, for example) hearing to the patient that it was lying in the sofa and I expected to become in someone like him.

The professionals of my area can work in clinics, schools, companies, courts... and in many places. In general, psychology can contribute in all kind of stuffs. You can find psichologists in the tv, advertising agencies, etc.
Obviously the kind of contribution depends on the discipline. It isn’t the same talk about clinical psychologists than educational psychologists (clinical is related with individual behaviour and educational with school behaviour... it is a very general definition). But the principal objetive of psychologists is improve the quality of life of people, the relations with themselves, another persons, communities, etc.

The tools that we would need in the future are more technological machinery because they are very necessary for studies related with de brain and behaviour. We could develop a lot of innovative researches.

I have two favourites subjects: psychology and psychobiology, because they are the most related with the career and the matters are things completely news for me (I had never studied something like that).

I adore my career !

lunes, 20 de abril de 2009

Photograph (L)

Today, I'm going to talk about a photograph that I like it so much.
This photograph, I took it one month ago, I think; when my friends and me were in the "art's grass" that it is ubicated in the Art faculty.
It shows us in this order: Patricio, me, Zuelem and David.
They are my friends at university, and I love them a lot !
Zuelem isn't part of the psychology course anymore. She decided leaving the career for make a pre-university, take the PSU again and apply for medicine, the career that she really love it.
The "news"made feelling us a little sad but we want the best for her, so we supported her when she told us.
The picture like me, because it remembers me all the things that we made that day: all the jokes, laughter, conversations... everything.
That day, was one of the most beautiful days in the university and I'll remember how the first of many.

viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Facebook *_*

For this task I have a problem: I don't have a career-related website. I study psychology and this is my first year so I don't have so much knowledge about this kind of websites.

So I'll talk about a website that doesn't specifically related with my career but where you can find some information about it: facebook ( knew facebook because of internet, television and comments of my friends (It become very popular).
There are a lot information about many things in facebook'groups. For example, I belong to a group called "Latinoamerican psychology" where you can find information about international seminars, meetings, etc. Also, obviously, I belong to "University of Chile Psychology", this is a group that contain information like volunteer works, how you can find or get some particular books or any relevant material about psychology. You can find a lot of people like you, with same interests, new ideas, a lot of knowledge and experience. I really expect to be like them some day.
I visit facebook's group almost every day, because most of the time I check my profile (invitations of friends, groups, quiz, games, etc.) and then, if I want to, I visit the psychology groups. There is one that I didn't mention before: "psicomechones 2009". This is a very special group because is about us: the first-year's students of psychology.
There are a lot of incoherent information ajajaja, but also you can find comments about tests, activities, homeworks, etc.
This group is that I love more than any other, because is own group, it is about us. (L)
Finally, I can say that I enjoy a lot visiting this groups because they are so much entertaining, interesting and they constantly upload new useful information.

lunes, 6 de abril de 2009

Notebook *

My favorite piece of technology is my notebook. I think that is the most greatest invent of the universe ! I like it, because you can do a lot of things with him. For example, I can speak with my friends when I'm chatting, I can review my e-mail, I can find information on the web for my homeworks or anything that I wanna know.

I got it before the last year in christmas time. My uncle gave to me at the end of the night, it was my last present. For me, it was a complete sorprise because I expected to receive it the next year when I get graduated!.

I use my computer every day at night. I sit in my bed and turned it. Then, I have to wait a little seconds for the programs and my antivirus start to work. So I open the messenger, the internet explorer page and my program "last fm" (music program) to listen some music. I use it sometimes just for chatting, another occations for write my summary about psichology class, to listen music, to upload my pictures in my fotolog's page, to check facebook, or just for play.

The life without the computers would be boring and complicated because we couldn't accede to many things when we want it. We couldn't speak with our friends all the time that we want to(because talk on the phone is so much expensive), we have to go to the library for take any information (books, magazines, newspaper, etc), we have to write all "with the hand" and the pencil (we can't print).

Well, if the computers doesn't exist, we'll get in troubles. The life became in chaos for a while (at least even we find a new way to put the things in order and more accessibles).

For all this, I love my notebook (L)