martes, 23 de junio de 2009

The end.-

Wow, I can’t believe it, the semester is ending... How did the time pass so faster?
Well, well, well... about my experience as a blogger I can say that it was very interesting. I never had done it before.. I mean to write in a blog for a class. I used to have a blog but it was personal. In there, my feelings was expressed in poems, short stories, pictures... that kind of stuffs.
I think that it was a really good idea, very innovative. In general, I enjoyed to write every week a new topic for the blog, but in many cases I had problems to make it for time’s limits (I can’t stay Monday’s class and for that, I can’t write the blog inmediately) so, sometimes it becomes in another homework to do in the biggest “Pending’s thing list”.
I believe that blog’s homeworks helped me to improve my english. I think that with the time, my english became better (a little at least jajajja).

The blog had many positives things, for example you can contact to your classmates and read their texts, to give your opinion about it, to express your ideas, to improve your english, to be creative (in your expressions and in the decoration’s blog).
About the “negatives” things, I can mention: blog takes time to write (and I learned how important every single second is in the university’s life ajajajaja), in many cases I felt a little dissapoinment with me because I made a lot of writing’s mistakes (but I tried to use it how a form to learning and it doesn’t make it again).
Just two “negatives” things... almost nothing ajajajja.

But, seriously, I really enjoyed to write the blog. It was the most fun thing that we made it in the semester (please, you don’t misunderstand me, I’m not despising the rest of activities; it just I like this one more than the others).

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