martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009


On this essay I made a self evaluation of my academic year. Particularly, I made a revision of the more important facts tha happened during the year, which have left a mark on my memory. It is just a little revision of many facts that happened with a short description because I had to choose only the more representatives. It was hardest to choose and make a review of them because how can someone explain all a year of feelings, memories and experiences in two thousand words?. Just can I say that I do my best and I expect you like and enjoy it while you read.

I think it was a good year because, first of all, I entered to the University of Chile what it was my principal last year goal. I really wanted to study there because it is one of the most prestigious universities of my country.

I have to admited that the first year of my career was hardest but not as I imagined. I say that because I used to hear that when you entered to the university probably you failed in many test or even complete classes but I didn’t. In fact, I succesfully passed all my classes and I hadn’t to take any exam so I was on vacations before of the majority.

Also, this year I met many interesting people and I made a lot of friends. Many of them are from my career, other from aikido’s class (there I met people from anthropology, cinema, sociology science, philosophy, journalism and arts... from every faculty). This is one of the most wonderfull things that happened because many of this people are my friend as my working partners so we are a team. For example, some best friends are always my partners in presentations, group’s test, etc. of my career because they work very well.

For last, I learnt pretty much stuffs about psychology that really motivated me to research more about it. One of them is a psychology’s line called behavioral-cognitive, this line puts emphasis in the environment and the learning as principal components in the development of the human behaviour. I liked so much that I decided to take an extra class the next year called “experimental psychology”where we prove the theory’s principle with rats.

In synthesis, I think that it was a good year because when I make an evaluation I can remember more good than bad things and that make me feel very good. I feel that I faced all my fears and now I believe that I’m ready to the next challenges that could appear. I expect that next year will be more interesting and bring new people to meet, topics to learn and moments to be remembered. But now, I’m focus on my vacations, to rest, have fun, go out, buy, watch movies and sleep (how much I miss it !).

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009

Vote or not to vote

Today I’m going to write about the presidential elections.
Well, I must confess that I’m a quite ignorant about it, I have my opinion you know, but I’m not an expert and either I have a deep knowledge about politics.
Well, this year I’m not going to vote because at the beginning I didn’t have any idea about how can I elect so I preferred to not vote. Lately, I’ve been thinking about that I should be registered because I really like Arrate, maybe because he is communist or just because I don’t like anyone else.
I haven’t a particularly political position but I prefer to communist than the “right side”. I think that it is because I don’t believe in the right people's proposes, I feel that they don’t care about people only in business and money… When they say that something is for the well majority I don’t know what kind of idea they have about majority because every decision that they made, hardly it is useful to poor people. But I think communist people have more social consciousness or at least, they care about it. . That’s my perception.
About be a politician mmm.. I don’t know, I think that we need a new political party with new proposes, ideas, something that could make a connection with young people. But it doesn’t mean that I want to be a president, it just doesn’t seem to me interesting, I mean, no as a job. I prefer just be a psychologist.
I believe that it is important to get involved in politics, because is our country and we can’t be apart from it. Every decision that people take, it affects us, and “the politic” are everywhere: when you chose something, you give an opinion… you’re always in a position: agree or disagree. You can’t avoid it. Even the anarchist people have a position because they are involve in a society even when they reject it… and this is just because they aren’t nowhere, they belong to somewhere.

sábado, 7 de noviembre de 2009

Well, today I’m going to talk about a new from a webpage:

I chose it because it was about a book and I like literature so, I wanted to know what new books have been published the last time. One title caught my attention: legend of a suicide by David Vann. Immediately I need to know what the history talks about and with the summary I felt totally shocked. The book is a kind of novel but not completely, in fact, the author of the summary isn’t pretty sure how describes the composition. He doesn’t know if he should say that it is a novel or a memoir, or even both because the narrative’s tone is so confusing and because the life’s author (of the book) is so similar as the book. When people asked to David about it, he said that his book has real and fiction facts.

The importance of the true facts of David’s life is that he based the book in his father’s suicide so through of the book he told us about many experiences that he had to experiment with his father and the effects of this.

The structure of the book is a group of short histories of a little boy called Roy, which told us some parts of his life. Most of the histories talked about the relationship with his father: since he lived with him and his mother, until he broke up with her and Roy has to visit him.

The book has many humoristic facts and the tone of it is a quite ironic, but all this doesn’t rest the shocking effects that histories have. I really would like to read it because it is the kind of weird histories that I usually adore, it is something no conventional.

I expect you take a look to the new and tell me what you think =)

jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009


Today I’m going to talk about my current faculty’s situation. Well, there is something that since I’ve got here it drives me crazy: the library. I really hate the FACSO’s library, because it is so tiny and it hasn’t enough books (that is madness considering that we are one of the faculties that most read in the campus and maybe in the university. In fact, engineering has more history and literature’s books than us! I know it because a friend went to engineering to bring a history book one time, and she saw it a lot of it, and in FACSO had just one).

I know that maybe it couldn’t be something too current but, it is important and fundamental in the university. We can’t work correctly if we hadn’t the material to do it. So I propose that as faculty we organized some activities or something like that to get some money to buy new books and redesign the physical place, for example an open-air theater, parties, sell things (food, clothes, etc).

That could be a solution because I don’t think that rector or anyone on charge make some “movements” to bring books and documents here from other faculties where they are useless.
But It could be a little problematic because of the time and the class and many people could be not interested on the project because they just don’t care about it. At least, in my case, I’d be really excited for it, because it’d be a request to do something for faculty. It wouldn’t be just for us, it would be for anyone that in the future could need it.

The benefits would be: more space to work and to read, better state of mind of everyone (students, teachers and librarians) because there are less noise (more people in the library are reading and not talking) and better infrastructure.

So that is my propose, I expect you like it !

viernes, 9 de octubre de 2009

Japan <3

Today I’m going to write about the country that I would like to visit: Japan. I chose it, because I’m a biggest fan of Japanese culture, particularly the samurai culture, I love it because I practice martial arts.

I used to practice taekwondo but now, I’m practicing aikido, that is a Japanese martial art and I can say that it is the best thing that I ever tried. I think that if I travel to Japan I could learn so much more about the discipline, the founder -O’sensei-, the philosophy and the history of aikido. Maybe I will visit museums or something like that, places where I could find more information about it. Also I chose it, because I adore the typical pictures of the traditional Japanese parks with a lake, the cherry-tree’s flower, the little bridge on the lake and the peace’s feeling moving around. So, I want to be there and experiment that feeling.

Also, I would like to visit a Buddhist temple and stay in there for a long time, maybe all my vacations. I will enjoy the silence, just the sound of the wind… and meditate all day. This is for me, the perfect day ever. And, of course, I would like to training aikido with a real Japanese master, in the central dojo of Japan. That would be something really exciting to tell to my friends, my family and my child (when I have it).

I expect to make it happen some day =)

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

For today I have to choose two graphs from the webpage I chose “Spirituality level” and “Taking account of karma in daily life”.

These graphs respond to a psychological well-being study that consists of the outcomes of life events and achievements. The responses were obtained from Bhutanese people. To evaluated the “well-being”, the investigators used psychological well-being indicators, with them it is possible to understand people`s evaluations about their own lives. These indicators were divided in four broad categories: life satisfaction, emotional well-being, spirituality and stress.

What I could see in the first graph was responses about how spiritual respondents considered themselves, and investigators obtained that every one reported that they were spiritual at some level. The results were that the most of the people considered themselves moderately spiritual, that it is a very common and expected result.
I think that is important to study the level of spirituality because it is, in many cases, fundamental to people’s happiness and psychological-physical stability; that is my case. For me, it is very important believe in something more, it isn’t necessary to believe in “a god or goddess”, I prefer to believe in a kind of life’s philosophy, in the forces of nature or the universe and the karma.

The second graph was about how many times people take in account the karma in their daily lives. The results show it that the most of the people sometimes think about karma, but the result was a little bit close to the response “always”, that it is very interesting. That means Bhutanese people consider very much the karma idea, that it isn’t very common in our country, here we used to think in punishment or test that god make us, it isn’t my case, by the way. I prefer to believe in karma. We can see it like a type of “justice”: negatives actions involve negative responses from the people. So, we have to think very well what we want to do before do it. That's my opinion.
Have a nice day! XOXO

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Sick psychology of female sex criminals

The new is about why women commit sexual crimes to children or another women to help to her lovers.

The principal explications is the next one: the differences between sexs isn’t so important that differences within sexs. So, even women as men can ben cruel, agressive and sociopaths persons, because it is probable it has a genetic cause, so everyone could present it, just it is necessary the conditions to express it.

The news said that men are usually abusers (are more common), but when a women does the samen, they do it horribly. It believes that the principal reason is that she is in a dilema at the moment to commit the crime to hel her lovers, she doesn’t know what to do: if she helps to her lover or doesn’t do it, but lose him.

So, when she decided to help him, she assume the role of psychologycal torturing: she blame to her victims for be attractive to her husband or lover, so she express on them ( the victims) all her angry.

Another theory it is based in the idea that women presents "splitting and projecting". It is a theory that said women establish a relationship with powerfull or controler men for adquired with them status and power, so women are willing to do anything for them, because only with a man exist this “glory”, this status, so women have to continue working and helping him to do anything he want to do to preserve the status.

But the author conclude that there isn’t any theory that could be a good explication for this horrible actions, it could be many of it.

You can find the new here: