martes, 8 de diciembre de 2009


On this essay I made a self evaluation of my academic year. Particularly, I made a revision of the more important facts tha happened during the year, which have left a mark on my memory. It is just a little revision of many facts that happened with a short description because I had to choose only the more representatives. It was hardest to choose and make a review of them because how can someone explain all a year of feelings, memories and experiences in two thousand words?. Just can I say that I do my best and I expect you like and enjoy it while you read.

I think it was a good year because, first of all, I entered to the University of Chile what it was my principal last year goal. I really wanted to study there because it is one of the most prestigious universities of my country.

I have to admited that the first year of my career was hardest but not as I imagined. I say that because I used to hear that when you entered to the university probably you failed in many test or even complete classes but I didn’t. In fact, I succesfully passed all my classes and I hadn’t to take any exam so I was on vacations before of the majority.

Also, this year I met many interesting people and I made a lot of friends. Many of them are from my career, other from aikido’s class (there I met people from anthropology, cinema, sociology science, philosophy, journalism and arts... from every faculty). This is one of the most wonderfull things that happened because many of this people are my friend as my working partners so we are a team. For example, some best friends are always my partners in presentations, group’s test, etc. of my career because they work very well.

For last, I learnt pretty much stuffs about psychology that really motivated me to research more about it. One of them is a psychology’s line called behavioral-cognitive, this line puts emphasis in the environment and the learning as principal components in the development of the human behaviour. I liked so much that I decided to take an extra class the next year called “experimental psychology”where we prove the theory’s principle with rats.

In synthesis, I think that it was a good year because when I make an evaluation I can remember more good than bad things and that make me feel very good. I feel that I faced all my fears and now I believe that I’m ready to the next challenges that could appear. I expect that next year will be more interesting and bring new people to meet, topics to learn and moments to be remembered. But now, I’m focus on my vacations, to rest, have fun, go out, buy, watch movies and sleep (how much I miss it !).