jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2009

For today I have to choose two graphs from the webpage www.grossnationalhappiness.com. I chose “Spirituality level” and “Taking account of karma in daily life”.

These graphs respond to a psychological well-being study that consists of the outcomes of life events and achievements. The responses were obtained from Bhutanese people. To evaluated the “well-being”, the investigators used psychological well-being indicators, with them it is possible to understand people`s evaluations about their own lives. These indicators were divided in four broad categories: life satisfaction, emotional well-being, spirituality and stress.

What I could see in the first graph was responses about how spiritual respondents considered themselves, and investigators obtained that every one reported that they were spiritual at some level. The results were that the most of the people considered themselves moderately spiritual, that it is a very common and expected result.
I think that is important to study the level of spirituality because it is, in many cases, fundamental to people’s happiness and psychological-physical stability; that is my case. For me, it is very important believe in something more, it isn’t necessary to believe in “a god or goddess”, I prefer to believe in a kind of life’s philosophy, in the forces of nature or the universe and the karma.

The second graph was about how many times people take in account the karma in their daily lives. The results show it that the most of the people sometimes think about karma, but the result was a little bit close to the response “always”, that it is very interesting. That means Bhutanese people consider very much the karma idea, that it isn’t very common in our country, here we used to think in punishment or test that god make us, it isn’t my case, by the way. I prefer to believe in karma. We can see it like a type of “justice”: negatives actions involve negative responses from the people. So, we have to think very well what we want to do before do it. That's my opinion.
Have a nice day! XOXO

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2009

Sick psychology of female sex criminals

The new is about why women commit sexual crimes to children or another women to help to her lovers.

The principal explications is the next one: the differences between sexs isn’t so important that differences within sexs. So, even women as men can ben cruel, agressive and sociopaths persons, because it is probable it has a genetic cause, so everyone could present it, just it is necessary the conditions to express it.

The news said that men are usually abusers (are more common), but when a women does the samen, they do it horribly. It believes that the principal reason is that she is in a dilema at the moment to commit the crime to hel her lovers, she doesn’t know what to do: if she helps to her lover or doesn’t do it, but lose him.

So, when she decided to help him, she assume the role of psychologycal torturing: she blame to her victims for be attractive to her husband or lover, so she express on them ( the victims) all her angry.

Another theory it is based in the idea that women presents "splitting and projecting". It is a theory that said women establish a relationship with powerfull or controler men for adquired with them status and power, so women are willing to do anything for them, because only with a man exist this “glory”, this status, so women have to continue working and helping him to do anything he want to do to preserve the status.

But the author conclude that there isn’t any theory that could be a good explication for this horrible actions, it could be many of it.

You can find the new here:
